"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Desktop Wallpapers for free

Posted by: Steffen in Digital Media, Wallpapers

Here are some of my creations which I designed last winter. You can use them (for example) as wallpapers for your operating system (Linux, Windows, Android, MacOS ect). All of these come in a relatively high resolution (2560 pixel in width and 850 kilobytes upto 3 megabytes in filesize, JPEG image format) and free of charge! I made them with a combination of digital image processing software (how exactly, forgive me, shall remain my secret). Do whatever you like with them. However, I’d appreciate if you mentioned me/novaspero.net if you get asked where you got this stuff. Thank you.

Wallpaper "Legacy" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)Wallpaper "Fusion" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)Wallpaper "Fireworks" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)Wallpaper "Dream" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)Wallpaper "Binary" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)Wallpaper "Saturn Rising" (Steffen Lenk, 2011)